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Once Upon an Ice Queen Page 14

  Kat had her Bryce, Yvette had her Darren, and he’d found his Kennedy—his true love. He might be the sappiest of them all, but at least he’d found a woman who loved that about him. In a couple, somebody had to be the mushy one, she’d informed him very logically.

  Maybe this was true. But Caleb considered it his mission in life to bring romance and whimsy to Kennedy’s uptight world. It was his honor-bound duty as her boyfriend—literally her clown of a boyfriend—to ensure that her life was filled with passion and excitement and more love and romance than she could handle.

  “You ready to head out of here soon?” Kennedy asked, slipping her hand into his under the table.

  The night was winding down. They’d had dinner earlier at one of his favorite spots, and now everyone was slowing down on the drinks and stifling yawns.

  She grinned up at him as she leaned in closer, her sexy voice so close to his ear, her breath warm against his neck. “I was thinking I could hail us a taxi.”

  “Good luck,” he said, doing his best impersonation of his former self. The guy she’d met that first night had been so blind it was a wonder he’d even seen the hottie who’d been right in front of his eyes. It had become something of a joke between them, reenacting that first encounter. It had only been a matter of months but so much had changed between then and now, it was like he was looking back on another lifetime.

  Everything was different, and everything was also so right. He’d found his dream career—one that played to all his strengths and let him do what he loved every day. He also got to work alongside one of the smartest, quickest, most enchanting women he’d ever met… a woman he was proud to call his girlfriend.

  Patrick had come back. Of course he had—Kennedy wasn’t the kind of woman you just walked away from. He almost pitied the man his poor decision to leave her in the first place. But if he hadn’t, Caleb might never have won her for himself. Kennedy had nicely turned him away, explaining that she’d changed while he’d been gone.

  And she had. She seemed happy with the changes, embracing more excitement and irrational passion, as she called it, than she ever had before. He didn’t know about all that, all he knew was what he could see. And he could say with full certainty that she smiled more these days, and was way quicker to laugh. He liked to think that he was as good for her as she was for him.

  As if to prove his point, she smiled up at him with that sexy, mysterious little grin he’d worship until the day he died. “If you play your cards right, I might just let you share my cab,” she teased.

  He leaned down to plant a kiss on her lips. “Oh, I’m counting on it.” And he was. He had it all arranged. Emma had kindly agreed to be elsewhere and she’d let him in earlier that day to set the stage.

  Kennedy didn’t know it but at this moment her apartment was filled with roses and candles. The box with her engagement ring was stuffed inside a drawer ready for him to pull out once she’d been thoroughly dazzled by his romantic know-how.

  Some might argue that it was too soon, but he knew better. When you knew, you knew. And he knew.

  Kennedy was it. She was the one.

  She was everything he’d never known he’d wanted.

  About the Author

  MAGGIE DALLEN IS a big city girl living in Montana. She writes romantic comedies in a range of genres including young adult, historical, contemporary, and fantasy. An unapologetic addict of all things romance, she loves to connect with fellow avid readers. Subscribe to her newsletter at